When the energy of a particular chakra is out of balance, it can affect one’s physical, mental, and emotional experiences associated with the corresponding theme of that chakra. Energetic wounds are simply chaotic fields in the subtle, or energetic, body, and this is often where illness and dysfunction begin. We quickly and instinctively learn to repress the parts of ourselves that we believe are unlovable, and we selectively express the characteristics and behaviors that our caregivers respond lovingly to. These moments in early life when we feel unloved are often simple misunderstandings. But whether we are truly loved or not is irrelevant. What drives the wound of repression is the perception that expressing ourselves may result in rejection or abandonment and threaten our security. The ways we respond to this belief begin to shape our personalities and the rest of our lives. Though this wound forms in the first seven years of life, it plants the seed for a lifetime of inauthentic and incomplete expression of oneself. As we mature we know that human survival is not dependent on the love or acceptance of others, but on a cellular level, it feels that way, and we remain deathly afraid to fully express ourselves. Until we become conscious of this wound, we cannot heal it. To heal the wound of repression, one must move from the state of fear to a state of trust. This is the healing path of the root chakra.  The shift from fear to trust is not an easy path since it requires trusting that it is safe to be who you really are. It is safe to express all parts of oneself, even the ones that we believe to be unlovable. This is where true authenticity emerges, and we discover what we really want. Eastern philosophy threads through all of Matluck’s work. Combining over a decade of experience working in conventional and alternative medicine, she brings a truly holistic lens to medicine, addressing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles to health. Prior to opening a private practice in New York City, Matluck spent eight years at One Medical Group and has delivered onsite wellness workshops at countless prominent companies. She is also the founder of Seven Senses, where she leads transformational wellness experiences throughout the world.

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