Death represents the shedding required to continue progressing along one’s path, Vanderveldt notes. “There’s a feeling of grief present, along with a fear of the unknown that’s difficult to make peace with in the moment, but if you can stick it out, there’s a new beginning on the other side.” Other cards in the tarot deck carry a similar message, Vanderveldt adds, explaining that the 10 of Swords is like a mini Death card: “This card says: It’s time to do it differently. Once you decide to let go of a damaging negative thought loop, you can begin a new path.” Additionally, the cards on either side of Death, The Hanged Man (XII) and Temperance (XIV), are also part of the “death journey,” in which we prepare for an ending by surrendering and releasing fears of judgment (the Hanged Man), and then go through a rebirth by transmuting our past pain (Temperance). “There can be lots of endings and changes within a relationship that have nothing to do with the relationship itself ending,” Vanderveldt says. “It could mean an evolution as a couple—like making a commitment, moving, having a kid—that could challenge your identity. Or it could be an urging to let go of something in order to move forward. You’re being asked to change the way you’ve been doing something in order to open up new possibilities for your love life and/or relationship.” The cards come alive through your own experiences and how you relate them to what you pull, so ask yourself, What needs to change? when you get this one. You can also pull more cards for additional guidance, Vanderveldt adds. In this case, she says the card is asking you to really look at what’s coming up for you, acknowledge it, and hopefully let go so you can move forward. “Whatever it is, know that it’s all part of your journey,” Vanderveldt cautions. “Often we can’t see the benefit of some career choices and shifts until we’ve reached a place where we feel like we’re in our flow, doing what we’re meant to do. Know this is a trail marker on that path, sending you in a new direction that you might not understand yet.” And odds are, if you’re receiving a reading about your professional life, you likely do want to see growth and improvement. If you pulled Death in reverse, it’s time to open yourself up to the idea of change, and according to Vanderveldt, acknowledge that “staying stuck will feel worse over the long term than the fear of change and the unknown that you’re feeling right now. And the nice thing about tarot is, it’s a call to action. “Do you want to fight it, or do you want to work with it to proactively craft your life? Your challenge is to face it with as much grace as you can,” she adds. We’re all human, so be patient and gentle with yourself as you adjust to the changes to come. Reassure yourself that you are resilient and capable. “Make a list now of all the things that make you feel supported, so you can refer back to it when things get tough,” Vanderveldt suggests.

The Death Tarot Card  What It Means For Love  Career   More - 8The Death Tarot Card  What It Means For Love  Career   More - 78The Death Tarot Card  What It Means For Love  Career   More - 53The Death Tarot Card  What It Means For Love  Career   More - 15The Death Tarot Card  What It Means For Love  Career   More - 95