Here, a bit about the history of this calming product and it’s many benefits. Rose water can be made in a few different ways, however Jana Blankenship, product formulator and founder of the natural beauty brand Captain Blankenship once told mbg, “Traditionally, rosewater is made through steam distillation, which results in a rose hydrosol.” Don’t worry, there is a quick and easy DIY method for this product—more on that in a bit. In addition to hydration, it can be used between washes as a refresher, too. Simply wet the hair (lightly) to bring some spring back to a limp curls or at the scalp to balance out any oily roots. “It contains anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids, all of which have antioxidant properties,” King explains. While this mist may seem simple, its beneficial properties are seemingly endless. Then, you’ll need 1½ cups of distilled water. If you can’t get your hands on distilled, then filtered water should be fine. We have an in-depth rose water DIY story here if you want to learn more.