Here’s how to find yours, and what it says about your relationships, career, and life’s mission. “This number will help you understand why you came here and what you are here to do,” she notes, adding that it not only speaks to your strengths and talents but also the challenges you’ll face in life. According to numerologist Michelle Buchanan, numerology is based on the idea that every number (and letter) has its own unique energetic vibration. “Numerology studies the way these vibrations influence the story of your life and personality,” she previously wrote for mbg. So when you figure out your life path number, she adds, “you can start to uncover your destiny and the life lessons you will face along the way.” Buchanan echoes this point, noting that 1’s can often feel different from others. They must find the confidence and courage to walk a path less traveled and learn to embrace their individuality, she says. Career-wise, these folks are suited for careers where they can work on their own (or at least be in charge), such as an independent contractor, a business owner, or a life coach, according to Buchanan. They’re most compatible with life paths 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7. “As the most resilient number,” Kaerhart explains, “the 2 leads with the heart just as much as it does with its rational mind. This is a number that reaches its long-term goals through consistent dedication.” Buchanan notes that this nurturing energy makes them ideal for careers that involve uplifting and empowering others, such as a counselor, energy worker, mediator, or teacher. Compatibility-wise, these people get along best with life paths 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9. Buchanan agrees that eliminating gossip and drama is necessary for this life path, adding that their lesson is to not exaggerate negativity or overdramatize problems. With their natural gift for self-expression, communication, and creativity, Buchanan says 3’s thrive as artists, musicians, dancers, or chefs. As far as compatibility goes, 3’s mesh well with life paths 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9. As Kaerhart notes, these people can be inflexible and stubborn, so it’s important they also learn not to project their incredibly high standards onto others, and even themselves. Buchanan says career-wise, 4’s make great managers, editors, accountants, and analysts. When it comes to compatibility, 4’s will have the best luck with life paths 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8. That said, Buchanan adds, they must learn the art of moderation and find healthy ways to stimulate their senses. Because they live for excitement and variety, these people thrive in careers involving travel and hospitality, event planning, communications, and marketing. Compatibility-wise, life path 5’s will get along well with life paths 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. “These are the people who will go to the ends of the earth for those they care about,” she says, but they must not overstep others’ boundaries, and must learn to balance their home and work life. And speaking of work, these folks will feel fulfilled in a career that allows them to help others and be creative simultaneously, Buchanan explains. Think therapy, teaching, the arts, or coaching. In their relationships, 6’s are typically most compatible with life paths 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9. According to Buchanan, they need to learn to communicate and express their emotions and affections. And as Kaerhart adds, they also must learn to trust their own gut and share their vision with the world. Career-wise, 7’s do well in jobs where they can be both contemplative and analytical, Buchanan says. They may find themselves drawn to careers in spirituality, philosophy, psychology, research, and health. These folks are most compatible with life paths 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9. One of the biggest challenges for this life path is working through personal power issues—and learning not to let anything or anyone disempower them, Buchanan says, adding that they must also learn not to disempower others. As talented leaders and problem solvers, Buchanan adds that these people are often drawn to self-employment or positions of authority. Think business advisers, property developers, lawyers, and politicians. Compatibility-wise, they get along best with life paths 2, 4, 6, and 8. As Kaerhart adds, they can also forget themselves in their quest to be of service to others, leading to them taking on too much. As such, “they must learn that sometimes holding on to attachments causes more pain than letting go,” she says. In their professional lives, these people thrive when working creatively for their community. They make great teachers, philanthropists, activists, and artists, she notes. Romantically, they’re most compatible with life paths 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9. As Buchanan explains, “Numerology can be used for many things, but some of its most common applications are to help foster greater self-awareness and understanding, uncover personal and professional interests, and evaluate relationship compatibility.” Take romance, for example: Life path numbers, Buchanan says, “can reveal if you and your partner are walking on the same path and heading in the same direction.” Long story short, Kaerhart says, “Knowing this number empowers and guides you to step into the most authentic version of yourself.”

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