Wouldn’t it be nice if your body could just tell you the problem? Luckily, our skin finds ways to do just that.  When I announced that my facial practice would be shutting down in March due to the mandated lockdown, I knew it would be a struggle for many people with skin sensitivities. Why? Many people rely on their facials to de-stress from their lives. These services are not necessarily about vanity but are an opportunity to practice the act of receiving care to feel your best. These services aid in managing the sensitivities that come up from the stressors of our daily lives. From inflamed skin to dark eye circles to increased facial tension resulting in fine lines and wrinkles—the skin is constantly showcasing our stressors. Whether you are born with sensitive skin or have developed a stress-related skin condition over time, it’s important for you to remember that there is no quick fix. The key is simple and stress-free practices that support the skin’s ability to heal itself. That’s why it’s more important than ever to learn how to use your at-home skin care routine as an opportunity to nurture yourself. Getting yourself grounded, in tune with yourself, and connected to your skin’s communication is the optimal strategy when treating a sensitive skin condition.

  1. We are constantly evolving, so it’s important to check in with what your skin is communicating to you. Before you even touch your face, take a moment to get grounded and listen. It’s so easy to fall into the same steps of your routine when your mind is somewhere else. When our minds are super busy and we’re feeling stressed, we tend to over-congest our skin care routine. Grounding yourself before doing anything to your skin will help you be better able to ask yourself what you need so you can treat your skin accordingly.
  2. Our thoughts can have an inflammatory effect on our nervous system. Your skin care routine is an opportunity to learn loving self-talk. You can thank your skin for communicating that you need more or less of something. Or that it is doing its best to communicate with you how it’s working hard for you. This helps you seek support for your skin through the lens of love and not through the lens of criticism and judgment. Breaking these negative thought patterns is imperative to helping a sensitive or sensitized skin condition. Inflammation of any kind, whether it’s our internal dialogue or overly harsh products, can affect how our skin heals. To mend this, start with finding one thing you love about your skin, and grow from there.
  3. Simplicity is key when responding to any skin sensitivity. My go-to routine for sensitive skin clients who need extra nurturing includes:

Lead With Love  A Therapeutic Skin Coach On Listening   Responding To Stressed Out Skin - 60Lead With Love  A Therapeutic Skin Coach On Listening   Responding To Stressed Out Skin - 49Lead With Love  A Therapeutic Skin Coach On Listening   Responding To Stressed Out Skin - 75Lead With Love  A Therapeutic Skin Coach On Listening   Responding To Stressed Out Skin - 87