Say you’re trying to decide if you should ask your boss for a raise or more flexible hours. And then, when you’re on your lunch break, you come across an article about how it’s important to be assertive and ask for what you deserve. In big and small ways, the universe will actively encourage us to go after something if it’s in our highest good. After living in New York City for two decades, my husband and I were ready for a change. We had a couple of cities in mind but immediately started getting an increase in synchronicities about one in particular: Austin. We’d see people in our neighborhood wearing baseball caps with one of the city’s sports logos on it or people in our building’s lobby wearing T-shirts with Austin splashed across them. Very, very rarely had we seen New Yorkers wearing clothes representing this city before. Yet now it became so common we had to laugh. When the universe is giving you a green light, it will significantly ramp up the number of synchronicities you receive. Suddenly I was right back there in a time when I used to listen to this band—18 and on my own with no clue how to move forward or care for myself. How much I could have used a mindfulness book, or any kind of direction, back then! I knew this was a sign that writing the book would be healing for me, and hopefully for the teens who read it too. Learn all about easy ways to tap into your intuition here.

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