Hair loss in general can be caused by a plethora of factors, from diet to topical products to hairstyling choices. Often, it’s a combination of a few that are at the root of it. This is why identifying the underlying cause of your loss is all the more confusing. Stress causes a spike in the hormone cortisol (which is why it’s called the “stress hormone”). When excessive cortisol is present in the body, it can wreak havoc: With hair, it can force the hair to enter and stay in resting phase (telogen) as nutrients are redirected to other, more vital areas of the body. (It’s actually a survival mechanism.) This was shown in a recent study done on mice, where researchers studied corticosterone levels (which is the equivalent to our cortisol) as they related to hair growth. They found that chronic and prolonged stress meant that the mice’s hair follicles stayed in resting phase1. However, you likely won’t notice this hair loss right away. “When high stress occurs, the hair begins to shed about three to six months later,” Shaver explains. “It will continue to shed until the underlying cause of stress has been addressed and resolved,” she says. One of the hardest parts about hair loss is the cyclical pattern—stress leads to hair loss, which can lead to more stress, more loss, and it goes on. This is why stress management is so important—more on that in a bit. This change occurs on a follicular level. “A stressor causes a portion of the hair follicles on one’s scalp to prematurely enter the resting phase of the hair growth cycle (telogen), which is then followed several months later by shedding,” Shaver says. This type of hair loss is especially common in women, especially surrounding the starting or stopping of oral contraceptives and after childbirth, King says. “It is important to know that reversing telogen effluvium generally takes one to three months for the shedding to stop and it can take one to two years after the stressor has been managed for the hair to completely regrow,” Shaver notes. This kind of hair loss works in a different way than telogen effluvium but still begins at the follicle. “The body’s own protective immune cells begin to attack the hair follicles,” Shafer says. “It is relatively common, affecting approximately 2% of the population over one’s lifetime,” she continues. Alopecia areata appears as localized patches of baldness. Luckily, Shaver says, “Localized alopecia areata is often successfully treated with topical and/or injectable steroids alone.”  “Hair pulling can be a way of dealing with negative or uncomfortable feelings, such as stress, anxiety, tension, loneliness, fatigue, or frustration,” she continues. Topical hair loss remedies will help the hair grow back, but that growth will only be maintained if the pulling ceases. This is where stress management comes in. It’s important to remember that this kind of hair loss is triggered by stress—not a lack of scalp and hair care. The latter factors will be helpful for growing back lost strands, but stress is the main factor you should focus on treating. However, we know managing stress isn’t an easy task, and most of the time stressful events are outside of your control. While you can’t dictate what occurs outside of your own actions, there are some stress management tips that can help: Hence, why exercise is first on the list of steps you can take to reduce stress. You don’t need to do a three-hour long, high-intensity workout or run a marathon to check the box (unless that’s your thing, of course). In fact, finding a workout you actually enjoy will encourage consistency—a key factor in maintaining a healthy habit.  That being said, meditation isn’t for everyone. If you give it a try for a few weeks and feel no benefits, opt for another stress management tool better suited for your lifestyle and preferences. Putting sleep first on your to-do list can be especially challenging when your mind is running in circles about work, family, relationships, or anything else causing stress in your life. Here, 15 tips to help you improve your sleep hygiene stat so you can be on your way to a better snooze. If you have anxiety, you may experience more jittery effects—making you feel more stressed. Think of it like a lighter version of fight or flight. So if you’re feeling stressed and can’t quite put a finger on what’s causing it, try experimenting with how much caffeine you drink. Therapy can be expensive, and it’s not accessible to everyone. Prioritizing your mental health by calling upon the techniques listed above and talking with loved ones will work wonders regardless. First, call on hair growth serums. (Reavy’s go-to for hair growth is the Act+Acre Scalp Detox.) This will help rebalance the scalp and remove buildup. “​​It also helps to stimulate blood circulation and promotes hair growth,” Reavy explains. You can find a plethora of hair growth serums here if you’re ready to browse. If you’d rather stick to natural options, rosemary oil has proven hair growth benefits5. As for nutrients, there are several vitamins that can help support your hair growth internally. Vitamins C, E, and D and folic acid all have evidence connecting them to hair growth and health. For more information on what vitamins to look for, see our guide to nutrients for hair growth. Scalp massage is another must, Reavy notes. “A head massage helps to boost blood flow and circulation to your scalp and hair,” she explains. A daily scalp massage may even help relieve some stress as is—apart from the hair-growth benefits. More on scalp care here. If you’re struggling with stress hair loss or find it difficult to grow back lost strands, consult a dermatologist. There are plenty of prescription-grade products that can encourage otherwise treatment-resistant growth.

How Stress Causes Hair Loss   Mental Health Tips To Help - 39How Stress Causes Hair Loss   Mental Health Tips To Help - 94How Stress Causes Hair Loss   Mental Health Tips To Help - 79