That said, don’t negate the power of acupuncture: Studies have demonstrated that our bodies have biomechanical responses to the procedure. “Connective tissue subtly wraps around the needle—it’s called ’needle grasp1,’ and this is what we acupuncturists feel as ‘de chi,’ which we translate to ’the chi arriving at the needle.’ It feels like a very subtle tug of a fish on a line. That feeling is how I know I’ve hit the right spot and that your body is responding to the needle the way I want it to,” says Altneu. But again, she’s quick to point out that the effects are limited. “The classic Chinese medicine texts have told us to only retain needles for 20 to 40 minutes. And they’ve confirmed why with modern science. So neat!” Basically: The effects of needles and piercings can be real, but don’t expect them to last. Meridian lines, or pathways, are a teaching in TCM that stipulates everything in the body is connected, and energy in the body can move through these pathways. The pathways correspond to different major organs, including the liver, heart, lungs, and so forth. The theory goes that when you get piercings along these meridian lines, you can disrupt the energy flow of the body—and that can affect the specific body parts associated with that meridian line. For example, the conception vessel, which can be traced from the mouth to the bottom of the trunk. According to Melissa Skelly, LAc, licensed acupuncturist, acupoint specialist, sound healer, and owner of The Zen Den Center, “[I believe] piercings in the navel area—the conception vessel—can affect fertility.”  Another example is how tongue piercings may cause stomach and digestive issues: “There have been reported issues with tongue piercings and digestive issues,” says Dan. TMC theory dictates this is likely due to the piercing along the stomach meridian line; and compared to other piercings, there is also research to suggest this to be true; however, the researchers were unable to conclude it had to do with the piercings rather than other confounding factors. We must note, of course, that as of yet, there is no scientific evidence to back these claims up, however. And in the end, most areas of the body may have more of a personal or even historical significance (piercing has existed for centuries in many different cultures) more than a physiological one. But if you have concerns, always do your homework on the potential side effects of a specific location. Skelly tells us that “gold is more tonifying or supportive, where silver is more sedative or releasing of blocked energy.” Copper has long been associated with healing powers, and at least one study claims it may have anti-inflammatory effects2.  As for ear seeds, some studies have linked the use of ear seeds to anxiety relief, better sleep, pain tolerance, and even weight management. And the benefits of regular acupuncture are well documented: It can help those with PMS, sleep issues, chronic stress, and can even benefit skin3. 

How Piercing Affects The Body  Everything You Need To Know - 33How Piercing Affects The Body  Everything You Need To Know - 15How Piercing Affects The Body  Everything You Need To Know - 35