Water has always been my drink of choice. It just makes me feel good. I tell my clients to drink water if they have a craving, a headache, are constipated, hungry, etc. Water is so beneficial, so easy, so free yet so easily overlooked. I personally don’t get headaches and don’t own over-the-counter NSAIDS or analgesic medications. I believe it’s because I drink enough water. I’ve often been complimented on my clear, youthful skin. Again, I thank my hydration. That’s just me. Of course, other factors can contribute to headaches and skin problems. As with most things, the amount of water each person needs is very individual, but if your pee isn’t a light yellow color or you struggle with any of the issues I mentioned above, you might not be getting enough H2O. How much is enough? Always listen to what your body needs. but the National Academy of Medicine recommends science-based daily total water intake amounts. Since 20% of that total comes from food, here’s the 80% we need from fluids (1 cup = 8 ounces): And while water is my favorite fluid choice, interestingly other fluids with health benefits (e.g., coffee, tea) also count toward your fluid intake. Speaking of benefits, the reasons to hydrate are numerous, but I’ve narrowed down the top 10. Cheers to your good health! Hydration1 is involved in lubrication of mucous membrane barriers in our mouth and nose (our first defense against most pathogens), lymphatic draining, clearance of cellular waste, and transporting nutrients (I see you, vitamin D), antibodies, and much more. And 2020 research indicates that less-than-optimal hydration may even be a risk factor for COVID-193 severity and death. We are literally made up of water. Being mindful and intentional about hydration is one of the easiest strategies to improve your health and well-being. Oh, and I almost forgot: Water is free. Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s still cheaper than that high sugar and fat-filled latte!

Benefits Of Drinking Water  The Top 10 Health Reasons To Hydrate - 23Benefits Of Drinking Water  The Top 10 Health Reasons To Hydrate - 64Benefits Of Drinking Water  The Top 10 Health Reasons To Hydrate - 31Benefits Of Drinking Water  The Top 10 Health Reasons To Hydrate - 87