Research has shown that as these hormones decline—and women are faced with the resultant symptoms—it can dramatically affect both our self-esteem and our relationships. Researchers have found1 that women start to experience many emotional, mood, and confidence issues as vaginal dryness and associated symptoms plague us. As much as we don’t want to believe it—it can greatly affect our ability to be happy and positive. Research also shows that the “sexual distress” many of us are feeling has been associated with a higher incidence of relationship conflicts and depression. And even if sex isn’t in the picture, vaginal dryness still may affect how you feel. You may suffer from anxiety relating to worsening symptoms of dryness or discomfort. You may be feeling older than your years (because our spirit is always youthful!), your self-esteem may be dwindling, and you may not be able to do the things you once enjoyed (horseback riding, cycling, jogging, etc.) due to irritation. Why is this an important topic? Well, it’s estimated2 that many women can expect to live almost 40 percent of their lives in this discomfort. Forty percent? That is just not acceptable for something that so greatly affects our quality of life.

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