Stretching has never been more important, and I can’t emphasize enough the need to make time for it. This series of stretches can be done in less than 10 minutes, and your body will thank you. All you need is a towel or yoga strap. Complete stretches 1-3 on one side, then repeat on the other side before moving on to stretches 4 and 5. If you can straighten your leg or get close to straight without your pelvis lifting off the mat, extend your right leg down onto the mat. Inhale to soften your left knee, anchor your pelvis even more into the mat, exhale to stretch the leg long again. Focus on the length of the leg versus how far back you can pull it. Repeat 5x Tip: Imagine your inner thighs coming together to help keep hips squared. If you’re especially tight and you can’t lie your head flat on the mat, place a pillow underneath it. Hold for three deep breaths, then bring leg back to center. Tip: Externally rotate your left leg to help keep your hips squared off. Anchor your whole right side firmly down into the mat, slowly open your left leg out to the side. Hold for three deeps breaths, then bring the leg back to the center. Repeat stretches 1-3 on the right side. Tip: Use your abs to help keep the pelvis anchored down as you open your leg. You can also use your right hand to help anchor your hip down as your left leg opens to the side. Thread your left arm between your legs to grab behind the right thigh with both hands and pull the thigh into your chest. Use the towel behind your thigh if you’re unable to reach with just your hands. Hold 30-60 seconds, then repeat on the right side. Tip: Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. Anchor your pelvis into the mat evenly. Remember to breath. Keep your left hand on your knee, reach back towards your right foot with your right hand and place the towel around it (this can be tricky so you may have to try a few times). Hold for three full breaths, then repeat with the right foot forward. Tip: This is a pretty deep stretch for the front of the hip and it may not be necessary for you to do every part of it. If you feel wobbly when lifting hands to your knee or reaching back to your foot, hold onto something for balance. Photos courtesy of author Kristen is known for creating fun yet challenging full body workouts while focusing on length and opposition, attention to detail, and the body mind connection. With an endless curiosity of people and the body, she continually seeks out new ways to enhance her clients’ lives. While teaching is Kristen’s first love, she enjoys the creative outlet writing has to offer.

5 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 15 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 675 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 285 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 885 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 475 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 355 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 705 Stretches For Tight Hips   Hamstrings - 95