Ahead, discover a few bonus ways to use hyaluronic acid that you might not have thought of before to reap all of its beauty-enhancing benefits: Plus, the hyaluronic acid in your body diminishes as you age3—which is one reason dryness and skin aging tend to go hand in hand. Further, by the time you reach your 40s, you have around 50% of the HA you had during your younger years, naturopathic doctor Nigma Talib, N.D., once told mbg. The solution? Add a hyaluronic acid supplement to your daily routine to restore your natural levels and plump your skin from the inside out. Some formulas will also include a blend of other beauty-centric ingredients such as collagen or biotin. Here’s a curated list of our top choices to make your shopping just a bit easier.

3 Ways To Use Hyaluronic Acid For Beauty   Full Body Benefits - 873 Ways To Use Hyaluronic Acid For Beauty   Full Body Benefits - 813 Ways To Use Hyaluronic Acid For Beauty   Full Body Benefits - 123 Ways To Use Hyaluronic Acid For Beauty   Full Body Benefits - 78